For over 25 years Studio Tecnico Zafferoni, in continuity with the path started by the first organic operators, has created a solid, transparent, reliable network of partner companies.
Today the associated supply chain operators are over 90 farms, located mainly in Lombardy and Piedmont.
The reference principles have not changed over time: the agri-food quality, the responsible management of environmental resources, and the enhancement of human capital. The strength of our network, “union makes us organic”, is the value that makes us different, today as in the past.
Become part of our network of affiliated farms

Union makes us organic
Conversion to organic
The firm takes care of assisting the company that intends to undertake the path of cultivation according to the method of conversion to organic. The consultancy is aimed at optimising the organisation of bureaucratic obligations and cultivation techniques to maintain the requisites necessary for obtaining the organic certification according to Reg EC 834/2007.